Meet Raj

Hey, I’m Raj. Thanks for checking out my blog.
So this is the page where you can get to know me a little better and find out what this Raj guy is all about šŸ™‚
I’m a 40 yeard old and I currently live in Chennai, India.
The purpose of this blog is to give you cool free stuff, share with you some golden nuggets in the areas of business, internet marketing and traffic generation to help you expand your business, make more money faster and hopefully improve the quality of your life.
I’m an entrepreneur, an affiliate marketer.
....doing strategic media buys that produce almost instant results. That’s always fun! šŸ™‚
I’m addicted to traffic LOL.
See, I think if you can learn how to create a profitable campaign and drive a lot of good traffic to that campaign, you’ve got it made. You can make as much money as your heart desires and pretty much write your own ticket.
And that’s exactly what I have been doing for the last 6 years. I feel very blessed to be able to crack this “online success code” and create the life I only dreamed about …thanks to the internet.
But it wasn’t always roses… In fact…
Here’s My Story
I graduated at the age of 24. Quickly realized that I wasn’t going to be able to provide my family the lifestyle they truly deserve working for someone else. So I turned to the Internet to find a solution.
Started online in 2005 and failed MISERABLY for the first year. In fact, I didn’t have the money to start my online business so I took a HUGE leap of faith and borrowed $30,000 to get started.
After investing (spending) $20,000 of borrowed money on ads and different systems promising the moon and not making a single dollar in return, I realized that what I was doing wasn’t working …at all. I experienced first hand what it was like to work, struggle, and endure constant challenges, obstacles and set backs.
So my friend, listen…. If you are in a similar situation right now, I can relate.
Here’s How Everything Changed For Me…
I needed a mentor. Someone who could take me under their wing and show me the ropes.
I found that mentor. Even though I paid $500 per hour to learn from him, it was worth EVERY penny.
…because just 90 days later my income jumped to $20,000 per month.
Then in a very short period of time it went to 7-figures …and as they say, the rest is history.
Why am I telling you this?
Simple. I want you to understand one very important thing. (here’s your golden nugget)
Listen closely….
Follow them, adopt their belief system, get close to them, buy their stuff and take action!
That’s exactly how I went from being broker than broke to literally living a dream life.
And I want to tell you that YOU CAN DO IT TOO!
Anyway – so that’s a very short version of my story šŸ™‚

But you know what….
What gets me up in the morning (aside from my wife and kids) is a burning desire to help others achieve success.
I have the privilege to work with literally many of people from many different countries and helped those to change their lives for the better. I believe I can help you too.
This blog is dedicated to sharing the information, the knowledge, the wisdom, the insights, and many of the strategies I have uncovered that have changed my life, and given me a power to create and live freely that unfortunately many do not see…
Take the time to look around, comb through the video teachings, and all that you will find here ….I think you will find a lot of golden nuggets here that will help you take your business to the next level and help you create the life of freedom and joy.
If you got any questions or comments, please post them below.
I look forward to connecting with you very soon!

To Your Success,
